We’d love to help you out!

Please check the FAQ options below for answers to commonly asked questions. Need more help? Reach out to us using the chat widget at the bottom right corner!


Where does the company operate from?

OzWise is Australian Owned & Operated. Our HQ is located out of Melbourne, Victoria, and is owned by a family who has been passionate about the environment and having a better life. 


What types of payment do you accept?

We accept all major forms of payment, including credit cards, PayPal etc. 


Is delivery free?

Yes, We offer a free delivery Australia-wide for all orders.


Are your products Australian made?

Unfortunately, not yet. We are growing the business and reinvesting the much needed funds into establishing an Australian manufacturing plant, to keep Australians employed and support the Aussie economy. This is our end goal. Your support by purchasing our products help us one step closer. 


How long is delivery?

We offer less than 10 days delivery time for all of our products.



Who can not use the EMS Foot/Body Massager? 

The following persons must NOT use the EMS Foot Massager or the EMS Whole Body Massager:

  • Anyone with a pacemaker or automatic implantable cardiac defibrillator (ACID)
  • Anyone who is pregnant.
  • Anyone with deep vein thrombosis (DVT) to avoid mobilizing blood clots.
  • Anyone with high blood Pressure
  • Anyone with heart disease